Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Frequently asked questions

Q:Who are the Pop Bomb Conspiracy?
A:The Pop Bomb Conspiracy is a group of 19th century Franciscan nuns, who, armed with ball-peen hammers and a fanatical devotion to the power of love, have endeavored to litter the world with absurdly funny hoaxes.

Q:Can I join the PBC?
A:No. Ha Ha Ha, just kidding. You see, that was but a brief sample of what we at the PBC call “irony.” If you don’t like or get irony, you will not get on well with those incorrigible ruffians of the PBC.

Q:What can I do to help the PBC?
A:You can devote your talents, particularly in the realm of acting or production assistance or graphic design or whale hunting to The good people of the fighting PBC. You can also assist with guerrilla distribution, meaning you can help find outlets – eg. unsuspecting message boards, etc - that would be ideal for spreading the viral love of hoaxes.

Q:Who’s gonna plug your ears when you scream?
A: The leather-clad dominatrix next to the stretching machine (on the left). I mean, who else?

Q:Who's gonna pick you up when You fall?
A: My bartender does a nice job - and yes, she can handle the load (all four hundred pounds of it). Thank you for your concern

Q:Who's gonna hang it up when you call?
A:This is weird. You have seemingly run out of actual questions and are now just reciting lyrics from the 1984 Cars song Drive.

Q:You can't go on, thinking nothing's wrong

And that’s not even a question.

Q:Who's gonna drive you home tonight?

A: [exasperated sigh] Idiot.


Blogger Unknown said...

oh, wow...hilarious

3:54 AM  

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